AGM | Annual General Meeting |
AMSA | Asian Medical Students’ Association |
AMSC | Asian Medical Students’ Conference |
AMSEP | Asian Medical Students’ Exchange Programme |
CEJAMSA | Chief Editor of JAMSA |
CEN | Chief Editor of eNewsletter |
COC | Conference Organising Committee |
CPAS | Chapter Performance Appraisal System |
DoA | Director of Academics |
DoAMSEP | Director of AMSEP |
DoGH | Director of Global Health |
DoIT | Director of Information Technology |
DoMnS | Director of Marketing and Sponsorship |
DoMnD | Director of Membership and Development |
DoPnP | Director of Publications and Promotions |
DoR | Director of Research |
EAMSC | East Asian Medical Students’ Conference |
EBM | Executive Board Meeting |
EC | Executive Committee |
GS | General Secretary |
GT | General Treasurer |
HOC | Head of Organising Committee |
I-EB | International Executive Board |
JAMSA | Journal of AMSA |
LoR | Letter of Recommendation |
LO | Liaison Officer |
LOGONGO | Liaison Officer to Governmental Organisations and Non-Governmental Organisations |
LOMSO | Liaison Officer to Medical Students’ Organisations |
LONMSO | Liaison Officer to Non-Medical Students’ Organisations |
MoA | Memorandum of Agreement |
MoU | Memorandum of Understanding |
N-EB | National Executive Board |
OC | Overall Chairperson |
OLM | Online Meeting |
PSHQ | Physical Secretariat of Headquarters |
RC | Regional Chairperson |
SO | Senior Officers |
TAG | Travel Assistance Grant |
VOCE | Vice Overall Chairperson External |
VOCI | Vice Overall Chairperson Internal |
Membership Status & Rights of Membership
Membership Status:
Membership of AMSA made up of chapters within the geographical region of Asia and Oceania that have fulfilled the admission criteria for Full Membership
and have been approved as a Full Member by two-third majority in an EBM.
- Propose and vote at the EBM
- Attend and host AMSA International conferences
- Negotiate for quotations of delegates at conferences
- Access to the I-EB mailing list
- Apply for positions of the EC and subcommittee
Membership Status:
Membership of AMSA made up of chapters outside the geographical region of Asia and Oceania that have fulfilled the admission criteria
for Associate Membership and have been approved as an Associate Member by two-third majority in an EBM.
- Propose, but not vote or second, at the EBM
- Attend and host AMSA International conferences
- Negotiate for quotations of delegates at conferences
- Access to the I-EB mailing list
- Apply for positions of the EC and subcommittee
Membership Status:
Membership for new geographically distinct medical student organisations that wish to join AMSA. Observer Members must fulfil
the admission criteria for Observer Membership and be approved by two-third majority in an EBM.
- Propose, but not vote or second, at the EBM
- Attend, but not host AMSA International conferences
- Negotiate for quotations of delegates at conferences
- Access to the I-EB mailing list
- Apply for positions of the subcommittee
- Apply for positions of the EC if the applicant has been recommended through the LoR from the OC and the DoMnD (Membership)
How to Apply
Observer Membership
- The organisation must write an application letter of Observer Membership addressed to the OC and DoMnD (Membership)
- The SO and DoMnD (Membership) will then review whether the organisation has fulfilled the requirements needed. Failure in fulfilling any of the requirements will result in rejection in getting Observer Membership
- Upon fulfilment of the requirements, DoMnD (Membership) will put the application as an agenda in the EBM. The validation and voting process will be done in the EBM upon the agreement from the OC
- A chapter is granted Observer Membership status after getting an approval by two-third of the I-EB in a voting procedure
The minimum requirements for application of Observer Membership are as follow
- A geographically distinct medical student organisation has established this organisational structure
- An RC and at least on Secretary
- Board members with reference to the following subsidiaries of AMSA International:
a. DoA
d. CEN
e. DoMnD
f. DoPH - An official Member logo
- Database of members (Names, Universities, Year of Graduate)
- System of communication between N-EB and members
- The name of the organisation corresponds to the distinct geographical region, immediately preceded by “AMSA”
Full Membership
- An Observer Member must write an application letter of Full or Associate Membership addressed to the OC and DoMnD (Membership)
- Specifically for future Associate Member, the Member has to get the approval from the respective regional medical students’ organisation (e.g. EMSA, if the Member is in the region of Europe) by sending a letter of approval signed by the officials / EC in the organisation and is addressed to OC and DoMnD (Membership)
- The SO and DoMnD (Membership) will then review whether the Observer Member has fulfilled the requirements needed. Failure in fulfilling any of the requirements will result in rejection in getting Full or Associate Membership
- Upon fulfillment of the requirements, DoMnD (Membership) will put the application as an agenda in the EBM. The validation and voting process will be done in the upcoming EBM upon the agreement from the OC
- An Observer Member is granted Full or Associate Membership after getting approval by two-third of the I-EB in a voting procedure
The minimum requirements for application of Full or Associate Membership are as follow
- The Member must possess a governing constitution that is written in accordance with the constitution of AMSA International The Member should send a delegation of atleast five people to each AMSA conference, without any absence of attendance in both conferences within a year while achieving relevant requirement as follow:
1. Joining at least one academic competition
2. Performing for the Cultural Night Programme
3. Organising pre-conference training and post-conference programmes for the delegation - The Member should organise at least five local activities in the recent year of application with reference to the following subsidiaries of AMSA International:
1. DoA
4. CEN
5. DoMnD
6. DoPH - The Member has undergone an observatory period of at least one year
AMSA International Masterclass
AMSA International Masterclass is a programme organised by the DoMnDs of AMSA International which aims to provide an avenue for Members to develop their respective members. The programme features a series of training sessions encompassing the different subsidiaries of AMSA International, and the goal of each session is to equip participants with the basic knowledge, skills, and attitudes that all Members of AMSA International must possess. The sessions occur monthly and are conducted by the Executive Committee. Participation is exclusive to Regional Chairpersons, relevant National Executive Board officers, and at least 2 other members from each chapter.